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Herointerior Selostemporais


Temporal validation and authentication


Use timestamps on your documents or processes

Time stamps are chronological validation stamps that guarantee the authenticity of content with temporal proof, not only of the content communicated, but also of the exact moment it occurred.


Ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the document´s legal day and time

Certify the veracity, integrity, and non-repudiation of the content

Compatible for use on public procurement platforms

Prove the time point at which the signer binds to the document´s objective


Time Validation

The clock used to issue the timestamp is synchronized with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

Detection and Follow-up

Tacking and security


Use for any electronic document and record that requires temporal proof compliance


Legal compliance with national and European standards

Selos Temporais Contratacao Publica

Use Timestamps in Electronic Public Contracting

  • Submitting proposals with absolute rigor at the time the documentation is sent
  • Monitoring the time in which actions are performed on the electronic platform
  • Guaranteeing security, transparency, and reliability
Multicert Contratacao Publica Conformidade Legal

Public Contacting

According to order no. 10563/2014, Multicert timestamps are valid on all electronic public procurement platforms.

Legal Compliance

Multicert timestamps comply with the following European standards

  • ETSI EN 319 421: Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and Security Requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing Time-Stamps.


Multicert - Accredited and Trusted Entity

Multicert is a certifying authority accredited by the National Security Office (GNS) for issuing qualified Timestampings. The GNS is the Entity appointed by the European Commission for the accreditation of entities issuing certificates and qualified timestamps. Multicert is also a Qualified Trust Service Provider, accredited under the European eIDAS.