Electronic Document Capture
Via NFC or CMD for passports, ID cards, and residency permits.
Secure Authentication with Qualified Biometrics
mID Biometrics is an innovative SDK solution that uses identity attributes and qualified facial biometrics to ensure security in financial operations and digital authentications. This solution uniquely combines security, efficiency, and easy integration, making it ideal for institutions requiring robust authentication mechanisms that comply with new regulatory requirements.
mID Biometrics is designed for financial entities, fintech companies, digital service providers, and organizations needing to enhance the security and authentication of their platforms. This includes:
Speeds up compliance processes and reduces errors, accelerating new customer integration.
Simplifies data input and verification, boosting conversion rates.
Provides strong support for KYC processes and other regulatory requirements.
Ensures access and transactions are performed by legitimate customers, minimizing fraud and identity theft risks.
Cuts down on SMS costs and reduces fraud-related compensations.
Use Cases
Mobile Apps: Reduces the need for OTP codes and enhances user experience.
Web Platforms: Adds facial biometrics as an additional security layer for online banking and other digital platforms.
Contact Centers: Enables biometric authentication for remote interactions, enhancing security.
mID Biometrics is a complete SDK solution offering security, efficiency, innovation, and compliance while improving the customer experience.
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