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Digital Trust and Security

Technological solutions specialized in digital trust and the security of people and organizations


Your digital transformation platform for secure paperless workflows
  • Indicated for: All types of entities, companies or organizations that wish to implement strategies for digital transformation in their business. Areas of expertise: Banking, Financial Sector, Retail, Services and Telcos, Health, Insurance, Professional Associations and Orders, Governmental Entities, etc.
  • AllowsThe elimination of paper in several time-consuming and bureaucratic processes, such as identification and onboarding of customers, adherence to services, hiring of resources or suppliers, approval flows and document signing, in a 100% digital way, complying with all national and European regulations relating to the management of digital documents.
  • How: Signing critical business documents, anytime, anywhere in the world, with mTrust, you can improve the relationship with employees, partners, or customers and dematerialize processes, from the simple to the most complex ones


Electronic Invoicing and Digital Signature platform
  • Indicated forAll types of companies that want the digital signature process of invoices or any electronic documents as a quick and secure response to business and regulatory needs. 
  • Allows: Besides the signature, sending signed documentation and guarantying its custody and digital preservation. Using qualified electronic signature recognized by eIDas and following Portuguese regulations regarding electronic invoices. 
  • How: The Sign’Stash platform easily adapts to your needs, it is easy and quick to implement, and you will get a service that will make a difference in your daily life.
    Extra info:
  • Electronically sign documents, account statements, declarations, certificates and electronic invoices.
  • Carrying out and securely processing electronic transactions between companies.


Secure eletronic voting solution
  • Indicated for: Government agencies, Banking institutions, Professional bodies, Companies, Assemblies, Clubs, Associations.
  • Allowselectronic voting to occur exclusively or conjunction with in-person (electronic or paper) and correspondence voting. In addition, the Certvote platform guarantees voter anonymity and vote confidentiality.


Digital Long Term Preservation Solution
  • Indicated for: Industries undergoing rapid digital transformation, with legal, business or risk management requirements, in which documents or transactions signed electronically must be verifiable for their integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation for a few months or even several years after signing.
  • Allows: At any time in the future, and despite continuous technological advances, to validate a digital document, the status and information of the certificate upon electronic signature, and with that information being registered and sealed within the document.
  • How: Complete information about the certificate is added at the moment of signature, with a timestamp. The date and time of the operation are guaranteed. With that initial preservation information and with the addition of successive timestamps with updated date/time and new cryptographic algorithms, it is possible to validate the document at any point in time.

    Extra Info:
  • To register certificate and signature validation information when the time stamp is applied, ensuring legal compliance by extending the 10-year validity warranty using timestamps with embedded meta-information in the document's content. This way, you can guarantee its preservation and unaltered content over a long time.

mID Biometrics

Secure Authentication Solution with Qualified Biometrics
  • Ideal for: Financial institutions, fintechs, digital service providers, governmental organizations, and any entity needing to enhance the security and authentication of their platforms.
  • Features: Enables secure and efficient authentication and transaction authorization using qualified identity attributes and facial biometrics. mID Biometrics reduces the risk of fraud and identity theft, replacing traditional methods like SMS OTPs, and ensures compliance with national and European regulations such as the eIDAS 2.0 framework.
  • How it works:
    Customer Onboarding: Electronic capture and validation of documents and biometrics, streamlining the onboarding process for new customers.

    Authentications and Authorizations: Identity validation for high-risk transactions, app logins, and website access.
    Data Updates: Secure and digital processes to keep customer information up to date.


PKI for Electronic Passport

At the forefront of the new generation of Electronic Passports, this PKI responds to the protection of document-type biographical and biometric data.

National Identification Card

PKI for National Identification Cards

The SIBS Multicert solution for national identification documents, such as the citizen card, guarantees data interoperability through a secure chip and digital certificates.

Corporate Identification

Your organization´s extra layer of digital security

Dedicated PKIs for organizations with enhanced authentication needs and a secure process dematerialization strategy.

Electronic Driving License

PKI for electronic Driving License

PKI solution that complies with ISO 18013-5 specifications, the international standard for electronic driving licenses on smartphones and other mobile devices.

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